English Language Pedagogy Program Objectives:
What does it mean to be an English Teacher?
The English teacher is an educator with solid and up-to-date subject and pedagogical knowledge and an advanced command of the English language that is certified internationally. They assume the role of a committed professional and cooperate with the community in order to develop a process of reflection and improvement for their school culture.
Graduate profile
The English Language Pedagogy for Primary and Secondary Education graduate will be a professional with a solid background on the subject and pedagogical areas, which will allow them to perform successfully in diverse educational contexts.
They will have an advanced command of the English language and cultural manifestations related to it. This foundation on the subject area goes hand in hand with the development of the discipline’s pedagogical knowledge that will allow the graduate to design and implement teaching and assessment strategies in Primary and Secondary Education, as per national curricular guidelines, and which are appropriate to a variety of contexts with the purpose of granting quality learning opportunities to all students.
They will be professionals that show willingness to seek continuous improvement, service vocation, teamwork skills and the capacity to lead both in the classroom as well as in their educational community, contributing to closing the gap among learners of English in the country.
The distinguishing features of the English language teacher for Primary and Secondary Education entail aspects from the Faculties of Education and Letters, which together will make of the English language teacher a professional with the following characteristics:
The curriculum provides training that grants the future English language teachers for Primary and Secondary Education the competences that will allow them to work in the classroom in both school levels and give all their students cognitive, affective and social learning opportunities. Most courses are taught in English, so the courses that are part of the English Language cycle have a large amount of classtime hours in order to support the development of linguistic skills from the start of the program.
The program, centered in student learning, seeks to improve training quality in the subject area and pedagogical fields. It includes early and progressive practicums that give various opportunities to get to know the reality of the school context and be prepared for future job placements. It incorporates new technologies to the learning-teaching process and keeps a stong relationship with the school context, favoring a succesful employment.
For more information visit https://admisionyregistros.uc.cl/futuros-alumnos/conoce-la-uc/carreras/1563-carreras-pregrado-ped-ingles#aranceles-a%C3%B1o-2020